Post Conference Info
Downloading and Uploading PDFs
- You can find a list of Presenters' download on the Session Downloadables page. Presenters can go to their profile page to upload PDFs and so forth.
Block Schedule
- You can view the schedule via a block schedule or use the schedule above.
🧙 Keynote speakers
Judith Buendgens-Kosten
Judith will be speaking on Friday evening at 19:20 June 17th.
Judith Buendgens-Kosten is a researcher and teacher educator at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. Their research interests encompass multilingual computer-assisted language learning and inclusive education in the EFL classroom. Games are a core component in this – in the form of developing plurilingual digital games (the MElang-E and EU∙DO∙IT projects), supporting learners in creating their own multilingual interactive fiction (the FanTALES project), or in teaching through and teaching about games at university seminars.
Jonathan deHaan
Jonathan will be speaking on Saturday at 13:15-14:30 June 18th
Jonathan is an associate professor in the Faculty of International Relations at the University of Shizuoka. He has been researching and teaching language and literacy with games for 20 years. He is currently exploring the boundaries of teaching language and literacy with and around games with his ongoing research project: “The Game Terakoya.”
JALTCALL 2022: Playful CALL
Exploring the Intersection of Games and Technology in Language Education
🎴 Location
ONLINE The JALTCALL 2022 conference will be hosted fully online.
🕹️ Registration
- In order to register, click the ticket button above.
🪄 Evening Workshops
- Friday, June 17th
🧩 Main Conference
- Saturday & Sunday, June 18th-19th
🃏 Free Networking Reception
- Saturday, June 18th
💁 About the theme
Taking inspiration from Zimmerman’s manifesto which proposed the 21st century is the “ludic century,” the focus of the 2022 conference is “Playful CALL” which we interpret as the exploration of play, games, and other ludic approaches to CALL research and practice.
While proposals will be accepted from a broad range of disciplinary areas and perspectives related to CALL research, the selection will prioritize the intersection of research, pedagogy, and praxis in relation to the conference theme. Submissions may consider (but are not restricted to) the following subthemes:
▸ Access, equality, diversity and inclusion
▸ Assessment
▸ Materials design
▸ Language policy
▸ Pedagogical innovation
▸ Playful approaches to research, teaching, teacher training and materials development
▸ Professional development
▸ Youth culture and practices in L2 teaching
Additional, gaming-specific topics for consideration:
▸ Designing educational games vs utilizing commercial games
▸ Diversity and representation
▸ Extramural play
▸ Games and pedagogy
▸ Gamification
▸ Gaming critically and critically gaming
▸ Gaming culture and L2 teaching (Streaming, machinima, fanfiction, modding, remixing, social media)
▸ Playing to learn vs learning to play
▸ Teacher and student agency
▸ Terminology (game-based, game-informed, ludic, playful, gameful, etc.)
▸ The future of games in CALL research (MVAR, research-practice divide, technology normalization, etc.)
Our Platinum Sponsor ZenGengo
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