
Show & Tell presentation

How to publish and collaborate with the Ludic Language Pedagogy journal and community

Sun, Jun 19, 10:45-11:15 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Zoom B

This talk will give you all the information and materials you need to get started down the track towards publishing your work in the Ludic Language Pedagogy journal and getting involved in its broader community of teachers, researchers, designers, students and lurkers. First, we’ll introduce the mission and scope of the journal: the intersection of ludic (all manner of games and play), language (first, second, literacies, media) and pedagogy (teaching, curriculum, assessment, ideologies). Second, we’ll explain the three submission types that the journal accepts: (1) research articles, (2) high-resolution walkthroughs of actual teaching with games and (3) playground pieces that let you experiment playfully and flexibly with ideas and others. Third, we’ll talk you through the submission process: our Google Docs templates, our Open Peer Review philosophy and process, and tips to make your writing, submission, revision and publication go smoothly. Fourth, we’ll introduce you to the “other side” of the journal: our Discord community and projects, our “un-conference-un-workshop-un-boring” LLPx events, and what you might take and what you might give to the stuff around the edges of the LLP Journal. We’ll provide plenty of materials and resources and promises of continued help. Feel free to bring anything from manuscript to an idea scribbled on a napkin for us to look at. Come be part of a hipster indie journal before we sell out!

  • Jonathan deHaan

    Associate Professor, University of Shizuoka || Teacher-researcher of the "Game Terakoya" Pedagogy of Multiliteracies curriculum || Editor, Ludic Language Pedagogy ||

  • James York

    Editor in Chief of Ludic Language Pedagogy https://llpjournal.org/ || Senior Assistant Professor @ Meiji University || #games and #language || #taiko #日本語 #PETSCII