Timmy Ang
Kansai University
Timothy Ang has a Masters in Bilingual and Multicultural Education from the University of Alcalá. He teaches English part-time at Kansai University, Kwansei Gakuin, Osaka Gakuin, and Otemae University. His current interests include Task Based Learning, Student Motivation, Computer Assisted Learning, and Curriculum Development.Sessions
Workshop Real Time Transcription & Translation for Class Instruction and Lecture: A Workshop more
Fri, Jun 17, 18:00-19:15 Asia/Tokyo
Transcription and translation: two tools that help foster a more inclusive classroom experience for different types of learners but more importantly create a more effective and engaging classroom environment. The presenter discusses he setups, maintains and conducts an English language class using speech-to-text technology and real-time translation in both online and face-to-face settings. We will also cover the reasoning, strengths & limitations of this technology and have a refresher on speaking best practices. Participants are asked to install PowerPoint and Google Translate, have a Bluetooth or regular microphone ready as they will be trying it themselves.